Our staff is comprised of providers with a wide range of skill sets with many years of experience! (Pictured below is one of our providers, Kelbie Abercrombie PA-C, fixing a complicated facial laceration). We truly love what we do, including procedures!!
We are equipped to do everything from mole and wart removals, laceration repairs, incision and drainage of abscesses, wound care, nail trephination, removal of foreign bodies all the way to fracture care and minor dislocation reductions. We even have our own x-ray on-site in Ozark!
Before you head to the Urgent Care or ER and pay an enormous bill after an enormous wait time, come by our clinic and let us serve you!
Freedom Health Systems-Ozark is located at 1405 W. State Hwy J and is open 8am-5pm M-F
Freedom Health Systems-Battlefield is located at 4852 S. State Hwy FF, Suite F and will be OPENING SOON
About Us
At Freedom Health we understand that true health goes beyond treating symptoms. Our holistic approach combines cutting-edge medical knowledge with a focus on your overall well-being. We treat you as a whole person, addressing the root causes of your symptoms.
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